Tori and Mabelle talk with internationally-produced Thai-American writer Prince Gomolvilas about his body of work in the TYA and adult playwriting worlds; commissions borne out of a need in the community; and his transition from stuffed animals to actors. Other topics include an in-depth discussion of his play, “The Brothers Paranormal”; why children are the best dramaturgs; and Prince’s interest in hidden history, racial intersectionality, mental health, and shifting tone within a play.
Writing Prompt (courtesy of Prince Gomolvilas)
YOUR WRITING COMPASS. Prince offers free online writing workshops once a quarter. He shared this prompt in his last quarterly workshop. He teased it by saying that during the session, he would ask the most important question a writer needs to ask themselves if they are serious about a writing career. The question that he would ask the Hey Playwright audience is: “Why do you write?” Sit down, don’t think about it and free write for five minutes about why you write. That should always be your compass as you move through your career.
Connect with Prince (and sign up to be a part of the Prince community!):
Prince’s bio:
Prince Gomolvilas is an internationally-produced Thai-American playwright whose critically acclaimed play, The Brothers Paranormal, debuted Off-Broadway in a production by Pan Asian Repertory Theatre. It will open this February at Perseverance Theatre in Alaska and this November at East West Players in Los Angeles. He is also the co-creator of a new sci-fi TV series currently in development at Amazon Studios.
Check out “The Brothers Paranormal” on New Play Exchange:
Mind the Gap (Prince’s Tedx talk):
Want to wear the same Birkenstocks as the ladies of Hey Playwright?
Visit the Whaley House:

Discount tix for “Bhangin’ It: A Bangin’ New Musical,” book by Mike Lew and Rehana Lew Mirza at La Jolla Playhouse:
Valid for Performance Dates: Tuesday, March 15 – Saturday, March 19
Promo code: HEYPLAY
To apply your discount, insert promo code in the top right box of purchase page.
Price: $49 for Area 1 Seating, $39 for Area 2 Seating